01865 367111

Bringing together & simplifying
mobile technology in your Care Home

When staff mobility & smart working is key

We provide care homes with the latest in mobile device management, that reduces touchpoints and saves money. Solutions are now available that significantly reduce deployment times and enhance the capabilities of care homes to integrate more and worker smarter from a single device.

Our smartphones for care homes

We offer a range of modern, ruggedised smartphones selected specifically for care home applications.  All supported by the latest configuration, integration, security and device management from GHM Care.

We are proud to be an award-winning mobile device management specialist. Here are some of the key ways we can manage and enhance your devices:

Mobile Enrolment

We simplify the enrolment of your smartphones and significantly reduce staging and provisioning time.


The GHM Support Team configures each handset before sending it. It means we’ve done the hard work by preloading the required apps for your organisation onto the device.


We can provide secure, remote management for both Android and iOS devices.

Firmware over the Air

This is a tool that enables us to carry out software updates are deliver them directly to devices over-the-air. Updates can be provided without user interaction and prevents downtime from an unsupported OS version.

Security/Lock Down

This is a multi-layered defence function that stops users from installing private apps and functionality on their devices, ensuring only software and features that are relevant to your care home and residents are active.

Users are also unable to use the devices away from your network/WiFi, making them obsolete for personal use.

Through our smartphones, we can fully integrate your nursecall, medication apps, care plans, patient records and any other third-party applications. You no longer have to carry multiple devices and staff mobility and efficiency is greatly increased.

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Talk to us about our Smartphones for Care Homes