01865 367111
Tech focus: Our WiFi Solutions for Care Homes
Wireless connectivity is critical for care homes and we understand that the focus must be on the care of residents rather than on managing a network. Our Wireless connectivity solutions include certified, mission-critical WiFi and medical-grade communications that smoothly integrate with all devices, providing staff and residents with reliable and efficient wireless connectivity that is...
June 28, 2021
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Microsoft Internet Explorer is Retiring

After more than 25 years, the old-fashioned Microsoft browser is finally being retired next year in favour of Microsoft Edge. The announcement has been coming for a while, as Microsoft has been pushing Edge for a few years now. According to Microsoft it offers a faster, more secure, and more modern browsing experience. We shouldn’t…

June 1, 2021
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New Nexus Install: Parkfield Grange
Our team have been busy working hard behind the scenes developing Nexus Care’s reporting suite and completing Nexus installs. Recently we installed Nexus in a brand-new care home for Cinnamon Care at Parkfield Grange. This luxury new care home is in the market town of Stourbridge and will open its doors at the end of...
May 13, 2021
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