Nexus Care, GHM Care’s new messaging platform that sends nurse call alerts directly to carers smartphones, has won Highly Commended in the BEST IT OR COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIER at this years’ Care Home Awards 2019.
Wi-Fi 6 is just starting to arrive this year, and there’s a good chance it’ll be inside your next phone or laptop. Here’s what you should expect once it arrives.
If you or your carers are on the move all day within your care home, it’s easy to see your battery levels ebbing towards empty. Our partner Samsung has put together these 8 top tips for maximising the battery life of your care home smartphone (or smart device) which we hope will keep you charged…
Our installation of the phone system & WiFi, plus smartphone integration with Courtney Thorne nurse call and Person Centred Software Ltd care monitoring, is nearing completion at the stunning Hamberley Care Homes Chawley Grove which will soon open its doors.
A new study reveals that only 42% of UK companies are capable of detecting an IoT breach, with only France worse off at 36%. IoT has been predicted to rise over the next few years as 5G becomes mainstream. Many care homes are adopting new technologies and medical devices that are smart and connected so…
Minister for Care Caroline Dinenage recently visited WCS Care’s Castle Brook home and Innovation Hub in Kenilworth in the West Midlands where a range of technology is being showcased including the GHM messaging unit and integrated nursecall.